Dr. Katrina A. Mears Paper Published In Esteemed Medical Journal
( FORT MYERS, CAPE CORAL, BONITA, ESTERO, NAPLES,, Fla. – Aug 10, 2017 – Dr. Katrina A. Mears of Retina Consultants of Southwest Florida has recently had a scientific paper that was accepted for publication by the respected journal RETINA®, The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases. Dr. Mears describes a new surgical technique called… Read More
Donald C Fletcher Earns Distinguished Alumni Award
The University of Alberta Alumni Association is pleased to announce Dr. Donald C. Fletcher will receive a Distinguished Alumni Award for his work with low-vision patients and as an advocate for inclusive membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dr. Fletcher will receive this award on Thursday, Sept. 22, at the annual… Read More
Meet Donald C. Fletcher, M.D., Internationally Recognized Authority on Low Vision Rehabilitation
Article reprinted from Read the original article here: Donald C. Fletcher, M.D., is one of the world’s leading authorities on low vision rehabilitation. Dr. Fletcher is a clinician and researcher in the field of retinal diseases and low vision rehabilitation. He is a medical doctor and an ophthalmologist who has completed fellowship training… Read More
People With Diabetes More Likely To Develop Diseases Of The Eye
by Dr. Glenn L Wing Originally Published in the News-Press on November 18, 2014 According to the American Diabetes Association, almost 30 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes. An additional 86 million Americans have pre-diabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but are not high enough… Read More
The Aging Eye
by Dr. Joseph P Walker Originally Published in the News-Press on November 11, 2014 Aging causes changes in our cells, tissues and organs. On the outside, our skin becomes less elastic and more wrinkled and hair becomes gray. On the inside, our blood vessels become hardened, our muscles weaken and organs such as the heart,… Read More